Saturday, June 13, 2020

Argumentative Essay Topics About Athletes - Use Them

Argumentative Essay Topics About Athletes - Use ThemWhen I was a college student, I used to be so intimidated by my Professor's (especially the math Professor) insistence that we use arguments and essay topics about athletes. He told us we had to 'write like athletes.' Now, I don't care what sport you're trying to discuss, but you must understand that the topic must be relevant and your opinion must be backed up by facts, figures, and proof.I don't care if you're a college student or a university teacher. In either case, you need to be able to write and debate your points. This is why argumentative essay topics about athletes are so important.The problem with those topics were always centered around football and basketball players, which was never really enough because there are too many aspects involved. I'm not saying that you should not bring up the issues of drug use, or the use of steroids, or domestic violence if your topic is something related to sports.What I am saying is tha t the topic should always start at the 'root' of the issue, in this case, look at the athletes themselves. What are their character, or character? What drives them?When I talk about this, I do not mean political correctness or incorrectness. What I mean is that you must be able to deal with controversial topics because people react differently to things, and sometimes they need an outsider to try and teach them a lesson.Now, I did bring up a case when I was teaching at the University of Oregon a few years ago, which involved a male cheerleader, a particular athlete from the football team, and a female dancer. Both were very similar.So, I put up a chart where we looked at the things that we saw to determine what drove the cheerleader, how much it influenced his performance on the football team, and why he wasn't performing as well. It was hard to answer the last question because there were so many factors.Therefore, argumentative essay topics about athletes are vital. But don't overl ook the purpose of your essay, or how important it is to be able to back up your points with data, because it does make a big difference.

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